How To Get Involved
If you are 13-21 years there are 7 ways you can get involved in B.fest, and you can do more than one!
- Join the B.fest Board
Join the B.fest Board and help run the whole festival; design, market, curate and get involved in events management. Come to our B.fest Board meeting every Monday evening 6pm-7.30pm, running July to October, at BYC for chilled planning sessions, practical arts stuff, and free snacks. To sign up email or message our Facebook or Instagram.

- Submit a B.fest event
You can run you own event/s in B.fest. Submit an event, Gig, workshop, exhibition, dance show or whatever you want to make happen. Complete this B.fest Submission form , and we will be in touch.
Would you like a place to exhibit a piece of art, sculpture or a film you’ve made? Get in touch! We have a professional gallery space in the centre of the city & plenty of spaces to exhibit your work! Complete the Culture Ground Submission form to exhibit in Cultureground exhibition or if you are not sure, or have any questions message our Facebook or Instagram
We also have BAM, the B.fest Art Market, running on Saturday 2nd November, you can book a table to sell your own art & design work. If you are interested in being part of BAM, you can fill in this form BOOK A STALL or email us at
Do you play in a band? Make theatre? Do stand up Comedy? Hulahooping? Dance? We have dedicated music and performance events during B.fest, as part of Venue B.
Venue B is Brighton Youth Centre’s gig & performance series which we run in conjunction with professional venues across Brighton & Hove, and further afield. Complete this B.fest Submission Form to express your interest or if you have any questions message Facebook or Instagram or email
Or something else…?
Want to run a creative activity that isn’t named here? No worries. If you think there is something that the festival programme should have and doesn’t, get in touch to create a new event or workshop! Email Hannah at
- Volunteer to help out for the festival week
B.fest needs crew to run the event, sign in people, make refreshments, take photos, invigilate exhibition spaces and much more. Fill in this form to sign-up and express your interest or drop us an email! Youth Volunteer team sign-up
- Attend B.fest week!
Come along on your own, or with friends, and enjoy our week long creative festival in Oct half term.
Are you an organisation working with young people?
Are you an organisation that works with young people, or a young person who is part of a group? Do you want to share your latest project? Display what you’re doing? Or share your talents? Perhaps you might like to teach other people what you do? Exhibition or performance space, workshops and stalls are available to organisations working with young people. Come along, join in and share and celebrate your projects/events as part of B.fest. Please go to the Submissions page for more information.