Sponsor Luka
18th September 2023
Sponsor Gino
19th September 2023Donating here will spread your donation equally between everyone taking part.
£604 donated
9 Donors
Campaign has ended
A group of young people taking part in BYC’s All Night Endurance Skate on the 4th of November, with a challenge to skate the park for 10 hours from 10pm – 8am! Money raised will go towards supporting us in creating a temporary space while BYC is rebuilt during 2024.. All the skaters have a £120 minimum fundraising target, and will be taken on a day trip as a thank you. The three biggest fundraisers will also be given prize bundles!
Read more and see all the challengers here
Enter your donation amount and details below and hit Donate. You’ll be redirected to Paypal where you can pay with a Paypal account or by card.
1 Comment
Well done everyone, great effort!